Doctor's that care.

Greenbank Doctors
A $ 40 Gap will be billed for Face 2 Face CONSULTATIONS
Appointments can also be handled via video conference or telephone.
Outside our business hours, a Dr is available for Telehealth consultations. Please use the ‘Contact Page ‘ on the Website and the Webform and a doctor will contact you back on your number. This facility is available only for registered patients. Appointments on weekends please use the Contact section on the web page of the website of the medical Centre. Regular calls please use 0434718144 or 0403624957. Please do leave voicemails and text messages or e mails too when possible.
Flu shots will be available from April 2024 at the clinic.
We continue to Bulk bill where possible

About Us
Certified GP's Committed to Excellence

As Greenbank doctors we are committed to looking after your health over a long term basis. Due to our high quality of care.
Book an Appointment & You’re Done!
Looking for the best & quick appointment without a long waiting time?

Simply reserve a time slot, walk in at the appointed time and get prioritized treatment.
What Our Clients Say

Call Today
0434718144 or 0403624957
Greenbank Doctors
187 Sentinel Drive Greenbank 4124
Schedule a TeleHealth Appointment with us.
Patients Growth
As a practice we have grown from fifty patients to in excess of six thousand patients in less than 3 years
Indigenous clinic
The 715 Health Assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people covers the full age spectrum
Dedicated and committed long term
Always welcoming and friendly